Maria Rodosthenous

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members






  • PhD in Accounting with Distinction, Department of Business Administration,  University of the Aegean  
  • MA in Tourism Business Administration,  Hellenic Open University 
  • MA in Education Accounting , Middlesex University of London
  • BA in Business Administration, University of Piraeus  

Research Interests:
Accounting Regulation, IFRS, Accounting Information Systems

Selective Publications:
  • Chytis E., Filos J., Tagkas P. and Rodosthenous M. (2015) “Audit Firms, Deferred Taxation and Financial Reporting: The Case of The Athens Stock Exchange”, The International Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting (forthcoming) 
  •  Papaelias, Th., Panagou, V. and Rodosthenous,M. (2014) “Land and Capital Accumulation in Greek Agriculture by Region (1950-2010)” International Journal of Economics & Business Administration, Vol. II, Issue 1. pp. 3-20 
  • Henraat, D. Georgakopoulos, G., Kalantonis, P. and Rodosthenous,M. (2013) “A comparative empirical study for the different approaches of the operational leases capitalization”, Journal of Computational Optimization in Economics and Finance , Vol.V, pp.51-68 
  • Rodosthenous, M. (2012) “The impact of Corporate Governance on the efficiency of enterprises: The Greek shipping companies listed in NASDAQ and NYSE” The Southeuropean Review of Business Finance and Accounting 

Current position:

  • Full Time Professor at the Department of Accounting & Finance.
  • Deputy Director of MSc in Applied Accounting, Auditing & Taxation

Past appointments:

  • Head of the Department of Accounting & Finance